Whether you have a cat, dog or a rabbit, your pet can be microchipped. Microchipping your pet gives them the best possible chance of being returned to you if they become lost. Microchipping your dog is now compulsory (since 6 April 2016). The Vet team support this new legislation and actively encourage pet owners to get their pets microchipped.
Why Microchip your pet?
You’re more likely to have your pet returned to you if they become lost
It is the law for all dogs to be microchipped since April 2016.
Losing your pet can be devastating and although collars and tags are great, they can be removed or lost.
Microchips last a lifetime as the tissue around the microchip holds it in place under the skin.
A microchip gives your pet the best possible chance of being returned to you should they go missing.
Thousands of pets go missing every year. It could happen to anyone, your pet could wander off, get injured or even be stolen, so the team at The Vet want to help you easily prevent such a devastating occurrence.
What is a microchip and how does it work
A microchip is a small electronic device, that’s the same size as a grain of rice. This intricate little gadget is made of glass or biopolymer and encases a unique 15-digit code which directly links your information to your pet. The tiny microchip is inserted under the skin of your pet. The protective casing is specially designed so that the microchip won’t move around or cause a reaction to your pet’s skin and will last their whole lifetime. The microchip can be scanned, revealing the code which links to your contact details kept on a database.
To be able to place a microchip, you need to have the correct qualifications. Here at The Vet we have qualified nurses and vets who can implant microchips in the correct place between the shoulder blades of your pet.
It is similar to getting an injection, with little or no pain experienced – most pets do not even feel it being implanted. It can be done at the same time as neutering or another procedure if you would prefer your pet to be under anaesthetic.
The only time a dog is exempt is when a vet has confirmed that they cannot be microchipped for health reasons. If this is the case, your vet will supply an approved, completed form from the secretary of state for confirmation.