Animals can pick worms up in a variety of ways:
- From other infected animals
- From eating the larvae or eggs of worms (e.g. in infected faeces or in grass)
- From eating raw meat, infected prey animals or infected parasites
Recognising infection
- If your animal is infected, you may see worms in faeces or vomit, or around your pet’s bottom.
- If you do see any worms on or near your animal bring them in to The Vet.
- Many infected animals do not show any outward signs of having worm so it’s important to have a preventative worm control programme in place – ask your team at The Vet for advice
Additional symptoms
- Your pet starts losing weight
- Their fur becoming dry and coarse, increased appetite, weakness and diarrhoea
- In severe cases, infected puppies and kittens can have a distended abdomen or ‘pot belly’
Reducing risk
- Maintain an effective worm control program; pets should be wormed against roundworm from a young age
- Prevent tapeworms by using a regular flea treatment – fleas can carry tapeworm eggs
- Disinfect food and water bowls regularly. Make sure your pets housing is regularly cleaned and disinfected with animal safe disinfectant
- For rabbits, avoid collecting greens from areas where wild rabbits and rodents may have been and if kept outside, place housing in an area that exposure to wild rabbits and rodents is minimised
- Wash your hands thoroughly before you eat – dogs can transfer worms to humans
- Clean up after your pet and dispose of faeces carefully
At What age should I start worming my pet?
Puppies can be born with worm’s eggs that have been passed directly from their mother so a first treatment is recommended at two weeks and then at regular short intervals until they are three months of age – the bitch should also be treated at the same time.
Kittens should have their first treatment at 6 weeks, and again lactating queens should also be treated to avoid passing any eggs back.
For any more information on worming, please speak to your local team.