Grass seeds may seem very small and harmless but they (perhaps surprisingly) account for a huge number of vet consultations throughout the s...
Spaying your dog is an important procedure which prevents unwanted pregnancies, decreases the risk of mammary cancer, and completely elimina...
Many owners are concerned about their pet’s well-being during the winter – here are the frequently asked questions, that we received during...
Canine Parvovirus (also known as CPV) is a highly infectious disease that affects dogs. It spreads through bodily fluids such as dogs’ faece...
The days are brighter, the sun is shining and there’s no better place to be than outside with your four-legged friend. Unfortunately, our an...
Did you know you can get sunscreen especially for pets? If you find yourself putting on sunscreen before a dog walk, it makes sense to put s...
Nothing prepares us for the death of a pet, whether due to an accident or illness. We understand that the bond between every pet and owner i...
To make sure your pet doesn’t get heatstroke, use the same logic that applies to people; if it’s too hot, you need shade, water and sunscree...
Puppies can be born with worm’s eggs that have been passed directly from their mother so a first treatment is recommended at two weeks and t...
Even if your dog doesn’t look particularly scruffy, grooming provides many health benefits for them which may not be immediately obvious. Br...
Read on to find out more about spaying, the procedure itself and the associated health benefits.
Ticks look similar to spiders, but they feed on blood. To feed, they bite onto an animal or human and hang on with their mouth, they will us...